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Here's a Hack to Finding and Removing Large Files on Your Mac


There’s nothing worse than receiving the dreaded ‘your disk is almost full’ notice when working on a project. As a designer, I get this notice more than I care to admit — I’m constantly downloading large design asset files, and admittedly have terrible file management skills.

Luckily, I discovered an easy way to track down those massive files on your Mac to free up some disk space. It's super simple and you do it within the Finder.

Here's how to find large files on your Mac

  1. Open Finder.

  2. In the top right search field, type anything.. doesn’t matter what, we’ll be erasing it later.

  3. Just below you'll see "Search:" click 'This Mac' then + button.

  4. Another bar will pop up — in the drop down menus choose ‘File Size’ + ‘is greater than’

  5. Now you’ll choose which size of files you want to track down. I usually start with 5 MB.

  6. Now go back and erase whatever you typed in the search bar in step 2 and hit enter. (Note: don’t click the x in the search or it will close out)

  7. That's it! Now your search is populated with files that are greater than 5 MB in size. Use Cmd+Delete to erase those you no longer need.

TIP: Change the Finder view to List so you can sort the files by size and have the larger ones appear at the top.

Check out this video for a quick demo

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